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The ever-helpful Jim Romenesko points us to news out of Florida today that the Village Voice has actually — who'd have thunk it? — hired somebody. It's not for the EIC position, alas; it's a new writer. It seems that Sean Gardiner, currently a courts reporter at the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, will be coming to our fair city to cover the justice system here. Bob Norman of New Times Broward-Palm Beach, who breaks the news, also gets some comment from Gardiner on why he's making the move. It's mostly because the guy wants a chance to do longer-form journalism but there are other reasons, too:

Also, the move makes sense from a family standpoint. Most of my family lives in the Northeast and we just had our third kid and could use some free babysitting. Besides, there's no place to get a good corn beef sandwich down here.

He thinks life with three kids will be cheaper here? Oy. Someone better tell the guy about New York real estate prices, stat. And while you're at it, let him know: It's corned beef.

Sun-Sentinel Writer Headed to Village Voice [Daily Pulp via Romenesko]