Clarification: Dan Klores Will Never Let Go of Diddy

Yesterday we reported that after years of loyalty to the fuhrer flacks at Dan Klores, Diddy had hired PMK's Jill Fritzo as his new mouthpiece. Since then, Dan Klores' firm has had its collective panties in a tremendous bunch, as publicists are wont to do. After we agreed to update our item so as to make it very clear that the firm DKC would never, ever represent anyone on a retainer as small as $1K, DKC then wanted to be sure that it would not appear that any client would ever leave them. Thus Diddy, eager to flack for his flacks, has given the following statement: "Dan Klores Communications has represented me personally for many years, and that's not going to change. I have hired PMK to represent me as an artist, but the suggestion that they are replacing DKC is completely untrue."
So if you want to get in touch with Puffy about whether or not he's going to put forth some more of his "art" anytime soon, go to PMK. If you want to talk to him about nightclub shootings and child support, go to DKC. Which is kind of what we were saying the first time around, just with more money.