Press Release Headline Reminds Us Who Jennie Garth Is

Poor KooKoo Bear. While a competing house of bambino fashion stumbled upon the Holy Grail of celebrity baby endorsements by having one of its T-shirts modeled by the Chosen One on the cover of People magazine, the KK Bear must settle for a press release touting a secondhand endorsement ("Jennie Garth received numerous gift item from KooKoo Bear Kids — and loved them!") from an actress best known for holding her own against Tori Spelling in a teen drama that peaked 20 years ago. And while it can't offer much comfort to know one's career currently carries only enough heat to grace the headline of a PR script pushing plushie onesies, it certainly beats the prospect of being a former Oscar winner and discovering your name ("Hollywood stars, such as Mira Sorvino, seek out the exceptional designer items...") buried several paragraphs into the text.