We'd Rather Not Know About Fresh Direct's Warehouses

State senator Jeff Klein has released his "Dirty Dozen" list of New York's 12 most disgusting groceries, three of which are in Manhattan: Associated on West 14th Street, American Fu Zhou Grocery on East Broadway, and the Second Avenue Rite Aid on the Upper East Side. Apparently there's not much to say about Chinatown (or, oddly, Rite Aid?), but Associated gets a little explanation:
Although the supermarket passed its most recent inspection on May 24, Klein said hundreds of mouse droppings were found on store shelves on multiple occasions between July 2005 and February, along with dog food defiled by gnaw marks and rodent activity throughout its deli.
Associated manager Glenn Bruno notes that the store is "above-average by Manhattan standards." And 9 out of 10 indigent dumpster divers agree.