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Sensing that her pretty-boy traveling companion and the father of her first biological child might not be getting enough credit for putting up with her "totally, like, annoying do-gooder stuff," globe-trotting, orphan-collecting philanthropist Angelina Jolie graciously allowed Brad Pitt to pretend that having their baby in Namibia was all his idea for Newsweek's 15 People Who Make America Great feature:

If it wasn't for Brad Pitt, most Americans would never have heard of Namibia. They might not know about AIDS orphans in South Africa, or the plight of children in Haiti, or what transpired at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Pitt, 42, has been a movie star for 15 years—and a paparazzi target for nearly as long. Celebrity mags have made millions reporting on his love life, and the obsession only intensified when he began romancing Angelina Jolie. So he started fighting back—but not by punching photographers. If paparazzi were going to follow the couple everywhere, Pitt figured they might as well drag them somewhere that desperately needed the world's attention.

Newsweek myopically focuses their entire piece on Pitt's tagalong charity work and his advocacy of eco-friendly architectural design, completely ignoring his groundbreaking contribution to the dumping-Jennifer-Aniston-for-a-much-hotter-piece-of-ass field. We suppose that in another year, the magazine's writers will put this accomplishment in its proper historical perspective and Pitt will finally get the recognition he so richly deserves.

[Note: In fairness to Pitt, wearing the feather boas around their heads in their stolen wedding shower photos was all his idea.]