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Things at the Roosevelt have seemed eerily quiet since management cast out erstwhile Queen of Hollywood Nightlife Amanda Scheer Demme from the celebrity-fellating Eden she'd lovingly established on their premises, but today's Page Six reports that the hotel may have recaptured a little bit of its former velvet rope magic this weekend:

THINGS got ugly at the Hollywood Roosevelt over the weekend when a top Paramount exec was allegedly man handled, threatened and thrown out of the hotel by a doorman. Dee Poku, vice president of the studio's international marketing division, told Page Six, "They were pretty disgusting." While she wouldn't elaborate, a close pal said the drama erupted when Poku "was politely asking for one more guest on the list to get in to join a birthday party she was attending inside."

That's when the doorman inexplicably "verbally threatened" her, "grabbed her and threw her out into the street. She is totally traumatized," the friend said. The jolted exec, who is said to be mulling legal action, told a friend via e-mail: "I was in tears - they were so mean." The hotel said in a statement: "The guest was disrupting the hotel's security procedures with regards to checking IDs and asked to leave. We do not enjoy asking our patrons to leave, but were left no other choice. This particular guest was disruptive for over an hour."

The Roosevelt has obviously taken a less celebrity-obsessed approach to building buzz these days; under the Demme regime, the above story would've involved a dispassionate Amanda ordering one of her doormen to stungun the testicles of a second-tier One Tree Hill cast member, then having someone immediately call Page Six to brag about it. If the New Roosevelt can offer nothing better than an obscure Paramount exec having an hourlong hissy hit, they're going to have a hard time keeping their name in the tabloids.