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Kudos to the usually loquacious Maer Roshan, who in this latest Radar go-round has successfully restrained himself from any pronouncements about its rebirth. Until today, that is, which goes down as the first time Roshan has publicly discussed his magazine's resurrection since his future employee Jeff Bercovici reported that possibility in WWD and Maer denied it. Buried on the bottom of C6, near the back of the business section, today's Times announces that Radar plans to have its website up and running by mid-August and will begin to deliver print issues — six to eight annually — in 2007. Yusef Jackson's — the Rev. Jesse's son — is the lead investor, and no one says how much he's investing, who else is investing, how much the total investment is, or whether Ron Burkle is part of it. But the Times says Jackson has raised enough money to "keep the magazine solvent for five years," and it also answers perhaps the largest question about this rerelaunch. "I'm not insane," Roshan tells the paper. Uh-huh.

Radar Magazine Rises From the Ashes Again [NYT]
Earlier: Everything you ever wanted to know about 'Radar' but were afraid to ask.