Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Lindsay Lohan Drinks From The Shaker At The Chateau

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers. Send yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you saw Keanu Reeves wearing gauche footwear and taking in a cross-dresser's performance
In this week's jam-packed episode: Orlando Bloom, Lindsay Lohan, Parker Posey and Rachel Zoe; Adam Levine, Mary-Kate Olsen, Amanda Bynes, Stuart Townsend, Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson; Ben Stiller; Hilary Swank; Jake Gyllenhaal; Keanu Reeves; James Marston; Kate Beckinsale; Michael Moore; Jon Heder; Scott Speedman and James Spader; Haley Joel Osment; Slash and Rainn Wilson; Jason Biggs, Fiona Apple and Samaire Armstrong; Christina Ricci; Allison Janney; Matt Dillon; Kyra Sedgwick and Jenna Elfman; Steven Soderbergh; Steve Martin; Jennie McCarthy; Chloe Sevigny; Adrian Grenier; Virginia Madsen; Dylan Walsh; Jason Lee; William L. Petersen; Mia Hamm and James Denton; Selma Blair; Stanley Tucci; Bridget Moynahan; Elizabeth Shue; Erik Estrada; Rick Rubin; Billy Dee Williams; Sinbad; Danny Bonaduce and Paul Moyer.
· Last nite, Tues. 6/27, hit the jackpot at Chateau Marmont. Parker Posey, fresh with long hair extensions and crazy yappy dog, hanging with some strange creative types, talking about a screenplay. First sitting at a table, then several moved onto the lawn to a blanket sitting indian-style, probably because the dog terrorizing diners.
Later, but still early, Marmont resident Lindsay Lohan shows up in long cutoff shorts and wifebeater tee, lots of eye makeup, fake lashes. With 2 unknown people, one of whom seemed older, attempting to keep her in line. She sitting at a table blackberrying and smoking. Kept jumping up and running to another table of many, yapping it up with someone who I thought was Rachel Zoe, stylist to the skinny starving stars (who is also smoking). Then, some dude showed up to Lohan's table, she talked with him for a while, then they left together, Lohan drinking straight out of her martini shaker, which I initially thought was a commuter coffee mug.
Then, Orlando Bloom showed up. He's possibly skinnier than Lohan. He's also smoking, fluttering from table to table.
· My company had a conference this week at the Ritz-Carlton in Marina Del Rey. Not an ideal celeb spotting location, but not five minutes after I got off the plane on Sunday afternoon 6/25, I saw Adam Levine from Maroon 5 in the baggage claim area at LAX. He was with a group of people, but he didn't have any bags, so I couldn't tell if he was meeting someone or he was just getting back from somewhere. He looks smug and gross on TV, but he was surprisingly cute in real life. Fantastic hair, pretty blue eyes, nice smile.
Monday 6/26, I fought through my jet lag and went for drinks with a starstruck guy from North Carolina at the Chateau Marmont (he reads US Weekly like it's his job.) We might have been dressed cute, but I'm from the suburbs, and there's just something about me that says "give me the table by the bathroom." How could I forget that the bathroom is THE place to spot people? In the course of the evening we saw Mary-Kate Olsen, dressed like a very rich hobo in skinny tapered jeans, ratty extenstions, two pounds of eye makeup, a pashmina (people still wear those?) and a white straw panama hat. She smiled shyly at me. It was...disarming. Later, I went to the ladies' and had the bathroom to myself. When I went to wash my hands, someone came in behind me and slammed the door loudly and I jumped. Amanda Bynes popped her head up over the stall door and said, "Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! I didn't know it would be so loud!" She has absolutely gorgeous skin and the most beautiful green eyes, and she looks a lot healthier than she used to (not fat by any means, just not like a bobblehead anymore). My friend spent 15 minutes talking with her about her highlights, and Amanda gave her the name of her colorist. Amanda left at about 1 am with her arm around a cute boy with puffy curly hair. Later, I saw Stuart Townsend at the back of a group of people chatting with an attractive blonde woman who was not Charlize. Finally at about 12:30, Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson came in with a small group of people and sat and chatted in the corner of the lounge. Kate looked very pretty in a sacky purple linen top and casually pulled back hair and told some cute stories about "[her] dad" and her brother's wedding. Owen was strangely non-animated (ironic, considering he was wearing a "Cars" baseball cap). My friend bristled at the fact that Kate could sit on the window ledge and smoke but she couldn't.
· Wednesday 6/21, 7:30pm, Ben Stiller in a nice suit swept into La Cienega's Matsuhisa w/lady friend and sat with a group of six or eight seemingly industry-types. Little Ben was welcomed warmly by his dinnermates and left alone, of course, Matsuhisa patrons being accustomed as they are to a steady flow of celebrity.
· Wednesday (6/21) I was on a "third date" at Little Door on Wednesday night and we were seated near Hilary Swank. She looked simple and elegant, and had a corner table outside with a male companion. Proof positive that she enjoys a nice meal and doesn't live exclusively on In-n-Out.
· Jake Gyllenhaal spotted strolling down Bedford in Beverly Hills. Jakey Poo was wearing his basketball-ready grey shirt, khaki shorts, and (according to my equally fabulous companion) dock shoes with no socks. Looked great in his full beard (only one beard, no Natalie to be found) and jaywalked over toward Crustacean, whereupon my friend decided we shouldn't stalk him and instead broke the cup he was holding from the sheer excitement of the Gyllenhaal. Hopefully Jakey will think my instant giggling upon recognizing him was from how super hot he is and not, in fact, that my gossip dreams had been instantly fulfilled by a Toothy sighting.
· Keanu Reeves driving east on Franklin near Highland Saturday around 7:30 in a black Porsche.
· Saw Keanu Reeves at the 6/27 Eddie Izzard show in WeHo.
He was wearing some seriously ugly shoes and appeared to have come alone
· Just got back from the 7:15 Superman Returns at Grauman's Chinese Theatre. James Marsden was seated in front of me with a male friend of his. No one seemed to notice him other than me and my friend. (Is that cause he isn't really famous?!) He was wearing a Red Sox hat and his hair is long, but looked pretty normal and fit in. Also was wearing jeans, old plaid button down shirt, and distressed black leather boots. He was also in front of me in the Box Office line, and I was complaining to him (and I had no idea who he was at the tme) about waiting in such a long line after purchasing tickets online (what's the point to buying online then?) and he was pleasant and agreed with my unhappiness.
No Bryan Singer sighting unfortunately. I know it doesn't compare to his viewing at Grauman's the other night, inclusive of light sabers and all that, but the crowd was very receptive and applauded, cheered, etc.
· Just saw Kate Beckinsale and a friend having lunch at the Malibu Kitchen, around 2:00 on 6/28. She was dressed casually and looked great, very slender like she looks in "Click", not bony as some people have reported lately. Her voice is amazing. She was with a skinny bearded guy that behaved like her boyfriend. She ate a mango she brought along in a bag, he had salad and a sandwich. Lots of people noticed her, but she didn't let on.
· Sunday, walking around Silver Lake in 95+ degree heat, stopped in at the trendiest ice cream parlor in all L.A., Pazzo Gelato. While in line, looked to my left and saw a large man in a baseball cap and a petite Asian friend. The large man, it quickly registered, was Michael Moore, and the liberal inside me swooned. Interestingly enough, despite the oppressive heat, Michael Moore was not profusely sweating (as I'd hoped, just for the imagery and storytelling of it all). They got their ice cream and sat outside, and it looked like a few people came up to them to say hi and/or gush, which is what I'd have been doing if I wasn't in danger of collapsing from heat stroke.
· So we were at Universal Studios seeing Superman at the IMAX and Jon Heder "Naploleon Dynamite" was behind us in line. We are talkiing how great it is he is not pulling a Matthew Perry when his very sexy friend in a white tshirt (call me!) pulls off, talks to a manager and after a few words his entire party is whisked into the theater. Half an hour later when we get our sweaty selves into the theater, there they are, dead center and happy.
· Saw Radiohead at the Greek last night. Those "Felicity" cast members must really dig them. Saw Keri Russell at the Hollywood Bowl show a couple years back, but this time saw Scott Speedman. Not sure who he was with. Saw him come in and then go into one of the beer lines and talked to some dude.
Before going in I think I saw James Spader. I mentioned that to my friend who saw and said that he looked too fat. I reminded him that Less Than Zero was almost 20 years ago. Spader has definitely gained weight since those glorious 80s, but he's certainly not Shatner-fat.
The piece de resistance was exiting the venue and walking next to a hesher-looking Haley Joel Osment. He's definitely earned cool points in my book. Don't see him in any of that Lohan/Richie mess and he has good taste in music. All in all a good show!
· Slash, wearing giant hoop earrings, outside the Radiohead show at the Greek, waiting for a car with a tall bald man. Some guy borrowed our pen to get his autograph, but Slash had a Sharpie on him.
Also, we walked down from the theatre behind Rainn Wilson (of Six Feet Under/The Office) and his wife.
· 6/29 Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) himself groovin' like Thom Yorke at the Radiohead show. Who knew that such a nerd-o could be so funky?
· Saturday 6/24, saw Jason Biggs at the Fiona Apple show. Jeans, tee, baseball cap. Very normal looking. Saw him later that night smoking in a huddle that included Samaire Armstrong.
· Doesn't really count anymore b/c I've seen her a few times and I know she lives in the 'hood, but Christina Ricci at the Mayfair on Franklin Friday evening. Maybe she's still living solo in the Lloyd Wright house sans Adam Goldberg.
· so here are my weekend privacywatch sightings:
- fri at the hair salon: christina ricci and her little lapdog. She looked tiny and pretty and fresh-faced even before she had her hair colored. I wanted to ask her is she sold her lloyd wright home yet but that seemed to personal while she was under
the dryer.- sat in westwood village: Allison Janney (with husband and son?) maybe coming from the LA Film Festival? I don't know - we were too focused on the ice cream sandwiches we were eating at diddy riese. she's amazon tall and really thin.
· 6/26 Matt Dillon was seen checking into the Santa Monica hotel Shutters at 4pm today. He checked in alone.
· tues: 6/27 - sadly, on my first time up runyon canyon since moving to LA a few weeks ago, NO celebrity sightings to report. however, immediately after, at the franklin ave. hotspot (btw tamarind and bronson), two sightings: kyra sedgwick (presumably there for a kevin bacon movie being filmed??) and jenna elfman. the latter was supping in front of la pooh-bell with the bohdisattva elfman and was rockin' a huge blonde fro. word to your moms.
· Steven Soderbergh enjoying a giant margarita (along with his meal) with a male friend (who looked exactly like him) at Hamburger Hamlet on Hollywood Blvd. I was surprised to see him at that particular Hamburger Hamlet, which is much more low rent than the one over at Sunset and Doheny
· Was at Franklin Canyon reservoir and who should drive up but Steve Martin! He looked plain as can be in a white Lexus. I must have looked ridiculous openly staring at him but what can you do, it's STEVE MARTIN! He was ready to go mountain biking apparently. Looked good for his age. He smiled nicely at my irritating stare — and as I walked away I could hear people shouting "Steve Martin! We love you!" His small car was quite different from the usual big black shiny Merc. His head is really big.
· Saw Jenny McCarthy at the Whole Foods on Riverside. She had her sunglasses on, no makeup, with her tyke in the shopping cart. This was before the Jim Carrey tongue pics. She looked hot, even with no makeup and sweats. Not the greatest skin, however. Cute kid.
· Saw Chloe Sevigny at the Edendale last night. (6/27)
· I saw Adrian Grenier of "Entourage" with an unknown blonde girl at the Built to Spill show at the Troubador on Wednesday, June 28. Also, a couple of weeks ago I spotted Christina Ricci at Victor's on Bronson with what appeared to be her family. It was Father's Day, after all.
· Virginia Madsen, walking around at the after-party for The Devil Wears Prada in Westwood Village last night. Rather tiny on tall heels and really quite beautiful—far lovelier than the unlovely Alexander Payne made her look. Also, beforehand got a real-world glimpse of Vincent Chase himself, Adrien Grenier (every iota as good-looking as he is in Aqua-land) and Anne Hathaway (uhhhh...not so hot).
· Just saw Dylan Walsh in the parking garage of my gym (Equinox / Sunset Plaza). No sign of The Carver, thankfully...
· Spotted Jason Lee in full beard and taller than I expected, enjoying the David Hockney paintings at LA County Museum of Art on Sunday along with the crowds of people ogling portraits of Hockney's many boyfriends.
· peet's coffee in larchmont, none other than bug-loving crime scene shamus william l. petersen (grissom on CSI) accompanied by an attractive woman at least 2 decades his junior (and a lot less butch than jorja fox). don't recall what they ordered, but clean-shaven bill kept his sunglasses on the whole time. his walk was just as bowlegged as it appears on tv, but maybe he had some work done this hiatus (got the number of somebody good from marg helgenberger?), but his notorious neck fat looked noticably reduced. seemed annoyed to be anywhere in public, although i didn't see anyone approaching him...
· Live from the Holiday Inn in Williams, Arizona. Fucking bitchin' free wi-fi. Last Saturday night at the Dodgers-Pirates game, there is some "Hollywood All Stars" charity game that preceded the real game. Apparently, nowadays Mia Hamm is a Hollywood celebrity. Who knew? I am so behind on the gossip. Anyway, it's half a privacy watch because he was where he was supposed to be, but I had no idea he'd be there. James Denton, fresh out of the shower trucks after the Hollywood All-Stars game, signing autographs at the celebrity tent we passed on our way in to the real game. Mind you, Desperate Housewives is not something I watch, but I may now. Man is tan, built, tall, and has a gigolo strut. Posed with any obsessed teenage girl who asked, although you could tell he was bored. No way I could blow him though, because I'd be so far gone, I'd probably hurt my lower intestine. Fuck you Teri Hatcher - I hate you. Ciao. I miss SoCal. Bob.
· 06/22, Thursday — Hot on the heels of filing for divorce (no pun intended), Selma Blair, looking sullen, at Christian Loubitain on Burton Way.
06/22, Thursday — Stanley Tucci talking to a friend on Beverly Dr. by Club Monaco
06/23, Friday —Bridget Moynahan at Joan's on Third
· The one, the only, Elizabeth Shue - last Friday 6/23 @ 5pm on Main Street in Santa Monica. Beth, looking slightly preggo judging by her huge, swollen cans and well concealed abdomen, was walking with a small child and an older gent with the kind of flowing hair only an Italian soccer star could admire. I didn't want to stare, but even without makeup, she is still looks very much like the striking woman who has been the object of many personal fantasies. Needless to say, I beelined home and popped in Palmetto.
· Wednesday June 28 - I was walking into the Ralph's on Ventura Blvd. Just as I was strolled through the automatic doors I passed by Erik "I've got a new star on the walk of fame" Estrada. He was with what I assume were his wife and kids. And just as I passed by I overheard him say to her, "I'll knock the shit out of you." I assume it was a joke.
· Not sure if this counts, but it was too cool not to send in. I'm on a bike ride with the wife and friends, and we're on the home stretch on Main Street in Venice. Just as we're getting up to Rose, I spot six individuals wearing identical khaki trench coats. Not too unusual in Venice, until I see the guy bringing up the rear: jeans, white t-shirt, tall, balding with long hair and an even longer beard and Wayfarer shades. None other than record producer Rick Rubin. I wanted to shout how righteous Johnny Cash's albums were thanks to him, but I celebrated by drowning my breakfast in Cholula hot sauce. I went down in a burnin' ring of fire...
· Unless my Star Wars geekiness has failed me, I am pretty certain was dining a table away from Billy Dee Williams, a.k.a. LANDO CALRISSIAN at Pan e Vino last night (6/27). He was looking dapper in a white button down shirt and white hat, and appeared to be dining with his (beautiful) daughter and her (geeky) boyfriend. It was awesome.
· Just read your item about Matthew Perry reserving seats for Superman. It reminded me that at the 10:00 showing on Tuesday night in Calabasas, I saw Sinbad buying tickets. He then walked all the way back to the end of a very long line, and made a point to speak to all the movie goers that recognized him. maybe he doesnt have as much "clout" as Mr. Perry. Or maybe he just isn't a douchebag.
· My girlfriend and I were stopped next to a large 70's era open red convertible at a light on Fairfax when we looked over and noticed the car's sole occupant was Danny Bonaduce. My girlfriend pointed him out to me at which point I said "oh, that's that has been loser with the reality show", my girlfriend said to me "I love that show" at which point Danny looked at her, smiled and said thank you. I realized he heard the whole conversation and I felt kind of bad. kind of.
· (6/15) My Girlfriend and I were walking back from happy hour at L'Scorpion on Hollywood Blvd. when who should roll up in a brand spanking new black Lamborghini but Ann-Martin-hating news anchor, Paul Moyer. He was solo, parked in a red zone, set the alarm and sauntered down the street. You stay classy, Paul Moyer!