Defamer Employment: Shakes On A Booty Train

LA-based electronica duo Captain Ahab (link possibly NSFW, based on how your workplace feels about two shirtless dudes in the throws of Satanic embrace) won New Line's Snakes on a Plane songwriting contest with their catchy ditty, "Snakes On My Brain." (You can hear it at their MySpace page.) The win guaranteed them a spot on the SoaP soundtrack, and, according to a Craiglist posting, a bootylicious video. Seeking generously bottomed lady-types, or, as the ad puts it, "dirty dirty girls who want to shake their asses," the very low-rent (and, we think, no-paying) gig asks the aspiring skanklets to outfit themselves in the finest ho'-wear. Suggestions include:
• Bikinis preferably metallic, but any bikini or bikini top will do • Sunglasses (locs, gangsta shades) • Thong Underwear • Weird hip hop tops • Butt shorts • Ball caps • Lip liner make up • Stripper Shoes • Bling (gold chains and shit! $ signs!) • No green! No Brand Name LOGOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The entire Craigslist post is after the jump.
We need dirty dirty girls who want to shake their asses in our video. Are you one? Do you know one?
Become part of Pop-Culture History!!!
The official video for Captain Ahab's Snakes on the Brain, featured in the film "Snakes on A Plane" will be filming next weekend and we are in need of BOOTY GIRLS. If you've got junk in the trunk and think you've got what it takes to shake on camera, Hit us up!!!!
Extras are also Welcome!!!!!
1 day shoot 3-6 hours —Sun. 07/09
possibly 2days—Sat. 07/08
Booty Girls/Babes will provide own wardrobe. suggestions:
• Bikinis preferably metallic, but any bikini or bikini top will do
• Sunglasses (locs, gangsta shades)
• Thong Underwear
• Weird hip hop tops
• Butt shorts
• Ball caps
• Lip liner make up
• Stripper Shoes
• Bling (gold chains and shit! $ signs!)
• No green! No Brand Name LOGOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Independant Production
Send Headshot or something close.
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