'Devil Wears Prada' Director Prefers to Keep His Ass Tightly Clenched

In a tossed-off little piece yesterday, Editor & Publisher noted that Devil Wears Prada director David Frankel portrayed newspapers as a "symbol of integrity." In the movie's final scenes, Anne Hathaway interviews for a position at a newspaper:
Just to make sure you get it, the filmmakers show us a kindly older editor, and a newsroom seemingly out of the 1950s with stacks and stacks of documents and papers piled up on desks.
They then add that Frankel reportedly comes from "a newspaper family." Seemingly innocuous (dare we say cute?), but not to Frankel. The director writes to E&P:
"The newspaper office in 'The Devil Wears Prada,' which you characterize as 'out of the 1950s,' is the actual newsroom of The New York Sun, which we shot in the fall of 2005 with no modifications. They actually do have 'stacks and stacks of documents and papers piled up on desks.' And there's nothing 'reportedly' about my coming from a newspaper family; a little actual reporting would reveal that my father, Max Frankel, was executive editor of The New York Times, and my stepmother, Joyce Purnick, is a former columnist and reporter for The Times, which I do still consider 'a symbol of integrity.'"
My, those j-school rejection letters leave deep scars.
Devil Wears Prada, Angel Works for Newspaper [E&P]
Frankel, Director of New 'Prada' Film, Clarifies 'E&P' Item [E&P]