• With a name like the Cosmos, we're shocked to learn that New York's professional soccer team during the 70's didn't last. Watch the documentary Once in a Lifetime and see how a place like Studio 54 can make an excellent clubhouse. [flavorpill]
• Shearwater brings the xylophone (also, some other instruments) to an ecstatic audience at the Mercury Lounge. [Prefix]

• Good news for accordian players: pump your instrument (har!) for 7 whole hours today without fear of noise complaints. [flavorpill]
• Egypt brings its first and only pop star back to the mothership with a free 3 pm concert in Central Park. No, it's not a Bangles show. [Prefix]

• Symphony Space screens three good movies — Monty Python's And Now For Something Completely Different, Brazil, and Dr. Strangelove — all for less than a ticket to Nacho Libre. [Upcoming]
• Get a beer, grab a chair, and ogle at gorgeous men: the World Cup final is at 2 PM.