Unhappy New Yorkers Not Helped by 'New York' Mag

In a place where shrinks and therapists serve as our food and water, it should be relatively obvious that New York is the most miserable city in America (this may be directly related to the average New Yorker's inability to meet the cost of living here). New York magazine comes to the rescue, however, compiling all the self-help books on Adam Moss' bookshelf in order to create a list of 20 strategies for happy New York living. Most of the suggestions are pretty obvious: avoid law school, find a mate, do as little parenting as possible.
But what's happiness in this town without a little cash flow? The mag says that confidence in your money can buy happiness, but don't work too hard unless it helps your social life — after all, "being aware of how much less money one has acquired than one's peers is quantifiably frustrating." So sayeth New York without a shred of irony. Now, on to Bergdorf's to buy that $34 butterfly net we just saw in The Strategist.