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Let's bring TV to Yahoo" might not get laid off after all. Yahoo Media Group head Lloyd Braun must be cheering over the new Pepsi-branded show hosted by Yahoo, "The 9." This daily show features a pretty woman discussing popular news items from around the Internet. (This, of course, has never been done.)

Good news for Braun, whose job seemed in danger when Yahoo announced it would avoid original video productions. Yahoo must have considered this outside-sponsored show a worthy exception, so the Media Group slipped this show onto the site and got its first episode featured on the front page (pictured).

The only question is who deserves the credit for this coup. Is it Braun, or is it his recent hire Vince Broady? When Broady joined Yahoo to lead several Media Group departments, those in the know said he "runs circles around Lloyd."

The 9 [Yahoo]
Earlier: Why Vince Broady might steal Yahoo Media Group [Valleywag]