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If you're like us, you spend your afternoons curled up on the couch with a Miller Genuine Draft tallboy at your side and MTV's Total Request Live on the tube (can never get enough Panic !@# At The Disco). But for the last month or so, something's seemed different about that fine program. We couldn't put our finger on it until yesterday, when a source let us know that Vanessa Minnillo, friend to Nick Lachey and Mario Lavendaria, had been suspended for what's being called "diva-like behavior," but that she'd be back Monday. (She'll be off again Wednesday, though, since Jessica Simpson is on the show, and the only room you'll ever get those two in together is the super-secret lab where they're working on the antidote to whatever it is that putting a part of Nick Lachey into your body gives you.) All we can say is thank fucking Christ. Nobody quite lets you know that My Chemical Romance has "rocketed two spaces to number one" like Vanessa. Welcome back, baby.

Earlier: Gawker's Inexplicable Coverage of Vanessa Minnillo's Fall From Grace