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We're not even going to pretend we've been keeping up with The Real World, having lost touch with the grandaddy of all drunken, jacuzzi-based documentary social experiments somewhere around New Orleans. Apparently, the current season is set in Key West, and cast member Paula Meronek (according to official materials, she's "a corporate slave by day, but makes up for it by partying relentlessly at night," and "still connected to her abusive ex-boyfriend." Fun!) has been arrested for allegedly having "bit her boyfriend several times when he refused to let her into their home early Sunday morning." The optimist in us can't help but feel that Meronek's cannibalistic crime suggests a baby step towards overcoming her anorexia, while Bunim/Murray productions must be at least partially thrilled to know that their aging, flagship series still carries enough weight to get the psychotic antics of their crazy bitch stars coverage on the national stage.