UES Explosion: Dr. Bartha's Goodbye Email

Oh. My. The Real Estate blog over at the Observer has somehow managed to get a copy of the email Dr. Nicholas Bartha sent to several prominent people shortly before he blew up his East 62nd Street townhouse in a suicide attempt. The message, sent with the subject line "bartha bartha," runs for 14 pages, rambling from Bartha's childhood to his marital strife to his political views, and is available for download, in its entirety, here.
In order to spare you the genuine discomfort of actually having to read the entire thing, we've transcribed the more, er, compelling parts. And though the snippets may read as being taken out of context, rest assured that when put back in context, they make just as little sense. After the jump, Bartha's disturbed ramblings, renovation woes, and his thoughts on Jane Fonda.
[Ed: You might as will insert a big ol' sic for all of the following; we dilligently copied right down to the typos.]
Being in a cavern was one of my earliest memories. Latter I was told that we were hiding in the same cave where a jewish family was (Mandula who was a jeweler) hidden by gold mining families so they could not be deported..
Why U.S. Company's cannot make a few holes in Alaska?
The death of my brother.
My brother died because his wife was able to divorce him with lies and help from N.Y.S., with the help of the legal Aid Society, woman's shelters et cetera.
Cordula you are not as lucky as Erna. Cordula developed post partum depression and latter became psychotic after she had two daughters. She refused treatment.
Although the Dutch saved the Hahn family during the war where the Hahn's fled, the family showed no gratitude towards Holland they preferred to be berried in another country. Even now the Neverlands consulate in N.Y. employs Cordula.
The first article was concerning the Dutch abortion boats to Ireland (www.lifenews.com) and latter one to Portugal When I discussed it with Cordula she thought it is very funny. She refused to have an abortion herself in 1976!
Johanna you should be ashamed for your act two years in January you did not do any good to yourself. You told me not to think the life with Cordula is nice or easy. It will be better now! You told me if I would know what she is doing now I would kill her! Johanna the Pink Banana it is not a good idea dead people do not suffer I hope she will stay alive to age one hundred.
I wonder if there is a connection between pedophilia and easy divorce and homosexuality advocated by politicians and judges for several decades. Because of representatives as Sheldon Silver the amber low and certain rape lows are not passed in N.Y.
Her/comrade Judge Lobis you went to far with your judicial activisim (j. terrorism) and you created and delivered to Manhattan "Auschwitz West". I hope you and Cordula are satisfied with this achievement. Good accompaniment for 9/11. That is how you treat senior citizens who are 12.5 to 25% Jewish? missed by Adolf and the Iron Guard. I think I deserve a $ crematorium/coffin I worked for it for 65+ years. It was not easy I will talk about later.
I wanted to make some small changes in my house. Was not approved by the Building Department.
The anti American politicians and others who are against the war in Iraq [...] I hope they will succeed so that the the terrorists will move to the states. So people here will have a taste of suffering as when the East Europeans were given to the Russians by a very sick President Roosevelt at Yalta in 1945.
Air America in N.Y.C. they went, as far as to take over WLIB. 1190 AM the station with no listeners now.
Jane Fonda (Hanoi Jane) is against the war again. Some people will never mature.
The democratic column in N.Y.C. is so strong because most of the electorate is politically ignorant they are simple puppets that it would elect any fascist placed in the democratic column by far left democrats and they would be elected.
Cordula I hope you had a good time for the last 5 years as I can see you on the internet on 01 18 2005. Doing what you do best drink with Irene de Kiewit and Ann Barlow at the Orange Alert kick-off Party New York.
My work place at Mt. Vernon Hospital is the most dysfunctional work place I ever encountered Dr. C.Chin and the E.D. Supervisor Nurse Ms Carol Willson made it so.
Dr.F.Parker is constantly late up to three hours late. It happened to doctor Borker. Nothing happened. He is a very arrogant person. Why he could not make it to a U.S. school instead of a school on a sinking island. One day I explained the concept of old and new brain to Vernon. Dr. Parker made the remark Bush has none of them. He should stop reading the N.Y.Times at work and go on the net to leftists sites sustained by people like Soros...
Cordula my further staying alive does not make any sense. Work as described above is pure punishment. I will loose my office. Getting sick in even the most optimal conditions is not easy. Alone is certainly terrible. I cannot see myself in the mirror knowing that an alcoholic massed me up. On the other hand I know for sure I paid back those who harmed my brother and me. Life passed me by and I could not achieve everything I planed.
Paul I am sorry but I cannot put up with this situation any more I am glad you passed your board recertification. It made my decision easier.I hope your vacation was good.
Fascism = Communism = Politically Correct.
P.S. #2 Ms Cindy Sheehan is desecrating her son's memory. I do not think she ever cared for her son the wishes of her family or her husband who is divorcing her.
Subject: bartha bartha. Importance: Low. [The Real Estate]
Earlier: Gawker's UES Explosion Coverage