Toby Young's Book Party: Best Fight Ever.

Jacob wrestles with an angel. You pick who's who.
We hate these events, these self-importantant celebrations of a crowd's collective arrogance. But once every three or four decades, something genuinely interesting happens. In this case, at Toby Young's book party tonight at Soho House, the crowd was treated to two writers working out their mutual hatred like twelve-year-old boys. Former Page Sixer Ian Spiegelman lost his job in 2004 ostensibly because of a threatening email he sent to [insert sketchy adjective here] writer Doug Dechert (more backstory here). Tonight, these two were reunited and, after the right amount of lukewarm liquor, they worked out their issues with fisticuffs. There's more to explain later in the forthcoming party crash, but at this hour the pictures are story enough. More bloodshed — or the drink-throwing sissy journalist version thereof — after the jump.