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Remember back in May, when we told you about the woman running around pretending to be Jane fashion director Kusum Lynn? Well, according to WWD, Lynn caught up with her impostor at a recent party for Gucci, and... it turned out to be a dude. A dude with a history of impersonating Conde Nast employees. How'd it all play out?

"He just stood there staring at me and didn't say a word while I looked for my Treo to try and take a photo of him," she said. Before Lynn was able to snap a picture, the man left with two women he had brought as his dates.

But at least Lynn now knows what he looks like.

"He is a small, well-dressed Middle Eastern or Indian man," she said. "A few of the waiters at the [Gucci] event recognized him. They said he always gets very drunk...

Maer Roshan was unavailable for comment.

Memo Pad: Jane Charade ... Paper Chase [WWD]

EARLIER: Attack of the Fake Conde Fashion Directors!