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Maybe it's my lack of ambition and ability to waste time, but wandering around a company with nothing to do is my idea of a dream job. A tipster from Seattle says MSN VP Michael Rawding (who was supposed to quit after Microsoft shook up MSN) is in this enviable position.

Greetings from your northern relations! You should do some poking around to find out more about MSN's Michael Rawding. He is on the payroll but hasn't done anything for 5-6 months now. He has NO reports, not even an admin! Ever since David Cole "left", Rawding played for his job or a large part of what was shaking out. When he didn't get it and SteveB's buddy Martin Taylor got to run marketing, mr. Rawding flipped a gasket. but alas, MS hasn't fired him yet and or replace Taylor with him.

Microsoft readers, fire up Outlook and tell how Michael's enjoying his in-office vacation.

Earlier: MSN Meltdown: Michael Rawding quits (He didn't.)