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The layman may look at an egg and see only breakfast, while the man of science may recognize it as a naturally occuring marvel of engineering. But only someone operating on a higher plain of consciousness—such as the TV marketing exec—could have the vision to see it as a blank, mini-billboard on which to print an egg-related pun pushing The King of Queens:

More than 35 million eggs will be marked with phrases such as "CSI: Crack the Case on CBS" and "The Class, New Grade-A CBS Comedy" as part of a deal between the CBS Marketing Group and EggFusion, an egg-coding company. [...]

EggFusion, based in Deerfield, Ill., will use laser technology to create the expiration dates and "On-Egg Messaging," the release said.

It's a novel means by which to court viewers, though if it proves successful, we're concerned the new promo arena of animal byproducts may open the door to more extreme forms of genetic tinkering. The last thing anyone wants to see when prepping chicken breasts for the grill is Jennifer Love Hewitt's smiling face reminding you to catch Ghost Whisperer on CBS Fridays.