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"With all the 2.0 hype, I think it's unfair to unanimously declare all new Internet startups as 100% junk. It can't be much more than 95%." The blogger at cynical site Dead2.0 thus introduces an impressive how-to for businesses that want to make the magic 5% cut. Here's Dead2.0's list (minus the insightful explanations) with the sites we think should listen up.

  1. Have a revenue model, right now: 30 Boxes, twttr
  2. Be a complete business, not just a feature: Slide
  3. Affect real people, not just bloggers: Share Your OPML
  4. Get a real, memorable name: Tagged/Tagworld/TagJag, Meebo/Meetro, Oodle/Ookles/Odeo
  5. If applicable, get unaffiliated with Web 2.0: Everyone.
  6. Find some friends who don't drink the kool-aid and get their honest feedback: People Aggregator
  7. If you are revolutionary, make sure that a revolution is coming: Pinko Marketing
  8. If you are evolutionary, then there needs to be a big enough market to address with a "we're a little better than them" vision: Zooomr
  9. Fit your business into an existing food chain: Everyone except Craigslist
  10. Do not expect to be Google and, just as importantly, do not expect them to buy you: AOL
  11. Ignore the hype and have fun: TechCrunch

11 Suggestions For Not Being a Dot-Bomb 2.0 [Dead2.0]