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As if she hasn't gone through enough already, embattled talk show casualty Star Jones may soon find herself having to part with a sizable portion of her earnings (and shoe collection), as is reporting that husband Al Reynolds was spotted slinking into the offices of a prominent New York divorce attorney:

Last week Al Reynolds visited the offices of the divorce law firm Blank Rome LLP in New York's Chrysler building. spoke exclusively with a building employee who first noticed Star's soon-to-be-ex. According to the witness, "Al walked up to the security desk and signed in to visit [one of the Blank Rome's divorce lawyers] Stanford Lotwin." [...]

After remaining upstairs for nearly two hours, Al tried to quietly sneak out of the building. But before he could leave, the witness tells, "I walked up to him and said 'Al, is that you', and Al ran out of the building - almost knocking over a pregnant woman."

While we'd hesitate to immediately accept the word of the anonymous "building employee," something about the timing does have us concerned. Having a depressed spouse who spends the bulk of her days sitting at the kitchen table, scanning the classifieds for ads that say "EARN $$$ ON THE RED CARPET," would quickly put a strain on any marriage.