This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

If you've ever been overcome with moist, turgid urges by the "sex table" at Greenwich Village's Shakespeare & Co. bookstore, litblogger Maud Newton has a clarification to help stem the tide of bad thoughts. The store's website may be down, but like every spunky kid these days, they're still posting on Myspace. Therein lies a managerial statement on the use/misuse of the sex table:

The "sex" table is for in-store guests only, and unfortunately cannot be reproduced on this site. No "physical sex" takes place upon the "sex" table at any time, ever, (though many a filthy thought will fly) and in no way does the purchase of anything upon this table guarantee sex and/or the making of, at any given point in time, in the near or distant future. It is to be used as a tool for concept and instruction only.

Nothing wrong with sex under the table, though. Especially if it's not "physical sex."

Local bookstore clarifies mission of "sex" table [Maud Newton]
Shakespeare & Co. [Myspace]

[Photo: oddlibrarian]