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Who says newspapers are no longer relevant? Look how the A.P. brings you the news you need to know:

E-mail is so last millennium. Young people see it as a good way to reach an elder - a parent, teacher or a boss - or to receive an attached file. But increasingly, the former darling of high-tech communication is losing favor to instant and text messaging, and to the chatter generated on blogs and social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace.

The shift is starting to creep into workplace communication, too.

"In this world of instant gratification, e-mail has become the new snail mail," says 25-year-old Rachel Quizon from Norwalk, Calif. She became addicted to instant messaging in college, where many students are logged on 24/7.

They've even got a picture of Rachel on her Sidekick in front of her laptop!

Better yet, we hear they're this close to blowing the lid off the whole TiVo thing.

Text messaging on rise with young people [AP]