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John Stossel, scourge of self-appointed "experts" (and wrestling fans) everywhere, takes to the pages of The Sun this morning to tell us that one more thing we know is wrong: It's okay to marry your cousin! See, a lot of big government advocates, movie folks, and science types want you to believe that procreating with someone whose genetic code is dangerously similar to yours might result in children who suffer from the disabilities that you'd expect with interbreeding. But are they right? Not according to John, who uses the flawless argument of providing anecdotal evidence concerning a few folks for whom it has all worked out, plus the slightly disingenuous method of refusing to make distinctions in degrees of familial separation. No matter; marrying your cousin is a-ok! (And if you're tempted to make a red state joke, remember who we had as mayor for eight years). We've got to say, we always knew libertarians wanted to get government off our backs; we just had no idea that they wanted to save that space for mom's nephew.

Kissing Cousins [NYS]