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There's no use trying to make heads or tails out the living arrangements of Hollywood's rich and famous, where on any given Beverly Hills estate, you may find an aging trophy wife kissing her ex-husband hello just before she strolls over to the new life she's built in the guest house with the poolboy. For example, Jon Peters' ex-wife, Christine Forsyth Peters, has been living rent-free in his Bel Air mansion since their 1987 separation, after only two months of marriage. (They divorced in 1993.) Presumably, the arrangement had its "3 a.m. knock on the door" benefits, but Peters has decided the time has come for Christine and her adopted daughters to hit the road:

Forsyth Peters received an eviction notice in April.

After the couple's separation, Forsyth Peters adopted two girls, Caleigh, now 17, and Skye, now 15, according to court papers. [...]

Forsyth Peters' lawyers say Peters owes child support because he developed a close relationship with the girls and acted as if they were his biological children.

Peters said he voluntarily supported them financially for several years and doesn't want to be ordered to do so by the court.

While the article makes no specific mention of why Peters has suddenly had this change of heart, we're guessing it has to do with him wanting to take full advantage of the hot-chick-bagging window of opportunity a Superman Returns producer credit affords him. The last thing you want to have to explain to the 19-year-old aspiring actress you've talked into coming home with you is how the 17-year-old grabbing a snack out of your fridge isn't "technically" your daughter.