Hard charger alert! TechCrunch party list starts mayhem!

Pop quiz — who was up at 2 last night trying to get on the TechCrunch Party guest list?
TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington himself signed up at 1:48 AM and added VC David Hornik atop the list. From then on, anyone was allowed to add their name. Prashant Sarkar, a man from a Singapore entrepreneurial group, was the first guest to sign up at 2:36 AM. Probably in another time zone, so that's forgiveable. [Update: The group, NUSEA, is based in the Bay, so he is refreshing TechCrunch at 2:36 AM.] But #4, Justin Smith from a group called Social Intelligence, has no excuse. That hard charger listed himself at 2:39.
But the hardest chargers of all? The five people who signed themselves up (or got moved by Arrington) above Prashant, Justin, and several other guests. That includes Fox Interactive head Ross Levinsohn and ZDNet editor-in-chief Dan Farber.
At 8 AM, about 170 people had signed up. Would have been more if the list didn't keep locking up. See, the TechCrunch party list is built as a wiki, with an automatic 15-minute lock. That means that if I go and edit my name in, I need to tell the wiki to unlock so other people can edit. Otherwise, the wiki can't be touched for a quarter of an hour.
Give ya two guesses whether everyone remembers to unlock.
Meanwhile, attendees are getting bumped off and on the list, optimizing their edit times, or banging their heads against the wall in frustration. Get a grip, people. This isn't the Black and White Ball. (But while you're at the wiki, can you sign me up?)