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WWD, your go-to source for Cond Impostor news, reports that the net is closing:

"Corporate security agents for Cond Nast Publications... were dispatched to the Bridgehampton Polo Club over the weekend for a sting operation, designed to nab the "Indian or Middle Eastern" man who has been making the New York party circuit rounds."

Can you feel the tension, the crackling electricity? Cond 's elite security unit setting up shop at the BHPC, waiting ever so patiently to bait the trap and catch their quarry? It's like a goddamn heist movie. We bet there was even a moment where the head of Polo Club security and the leader of Cond Nast Delta Force stared each other down over who was in charge.

No word yet on whether they picked up the perp, but sources tell us that when he is finally nabbed, he'll be turned over to Cond 's dreaded Human Resources Department, who may very well send him to the forced labor camp that is

Memo Pad: Identity Theft [WWD]

Return of the Fake Conde Fashion Directors!