Agent FashionWatch: Ari Emanuel Too 'High-Tech' For Rhode Island Golf Course

When cutting-edge Hollywood golf fashion hits the links of New England alongside the honkey-fabulous world of pressed plaid chinos, sensibilities will be offended, catty giggles exchanged, and gossip columns notified about the sartorial crimes committed by Semitic semi-famous interlopers from the Wrong Coast. In today's column, NY Daily News JV gossip Lloyd Grove airs the grievances of the golfing population of the "understated little beach community of Watch Hill, R.I.," where Endeavor superagent Ari Emanuel enrages the local fashion police while summering with his in-laws:
"He wears skintight, black-and-hot pink golf clothes - like really high-tech, long-sleeved black Nike tops," a Watch Hill denizen confided to Lowdown after observing Emanuel's flashy West Coast ways. "I saw him golfing in a porkpie hat one time. This is the kind of place he would blend in if he wore madras on the course. He sticks out like a sore thumb."
The amused Watch Hiller went on: "He drives around in a silver minivan. He's also always on his phone headset. The golf course changed their cell phone rules because of him. He would always be on the headset on the driving range."
The golfing establishment now strictly enforces a cell phone prohibition.
To answer concerns that the prohibition was unfairly targeting one individual, the club recently changed the language of the regulation to include all members in its ban on cell phone use, not just the "chatty Hollywood Jew" indicated in its original wording.