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Yesterday's post on Curbed about the differing smells of New York subways vs. PATH tunnels (it's the brake pads, say the commenters) had us fondly remembering how certain MTA stations are known for particular aromas. Who can forget the rank urinary death-gauntlet in the transverse at 51st and Lexington? Or the infamous fish stink at Canal Street? Unfortunately, this level of detail has never been compiled in one place. Since we take our mission to serve the public very seriously, we've decided to construct an olfactory map of the Manhattan subway. And of course, we need your help. Certain stations already have obvious smell-tags, but we need more data. If you've identified a particular, persistent funk at any Manhattan subway station, submit it in the comments below or to Certain stations deserve special warnings for cyclical odors — some are particularly congenial for harboring vast clouds of B.O. during rush hour — so note that as well if appropriate.

Ask Curbed: The Air Down There [Curbed]