41 Years Of Piven

Maybe it's too early in the morning to consider any photograph whose subject is a shirtless Jeremy Piven, but there's something strangely poignant, something that bears our attention, about this frozen moment from his birthday party in Malibu this weekend. It's impossible to know what Piven was thinking as he stared somberly at the cake placed before him, but we imagine that in the instant before reaching some kind of breakthrough about the meaning of what he's accomplished in his 41 years, he suddenly drew himself back from the precipice of epiphany, plunged both hands deep into its chocolatey recesses, and smearing its delicious icing across his face like warpaint, stalked off to do a dozen tequila shots out of the navel of the semi-naked Lindsay Lohan lingering nearby. This was a party, after all, and not the time for quiet introspection.
UPDATE: We've received a request that we remove the photo (by Splash, who have removed it from their site as well), and so we replaced it with the first image we could find of a shirtless man and a birthday cake—which, strangely, came from our friends over at Towleroad and involves Brawny paper towels.