'I'm Not Rappaport,' Starring Adam Nagourney

An article on Sunday reported on efforts by the Democratic Party to revise its election-year calendar for 2008 to include an early caucus in Nevada and an early primary in South Carolina. It said that William M. Gardner, secretary of state for New Hampshire, was reached at his home on Saturday and said, "Do not call me here," and hung up the telephone when the reporter tried to get comment on how these changes might affect his state's first-in-the-nation primary.
On Monday, Mr. Gardner called the reporter and said he had never spoken to him Saturday. He also said the phone number the reporter had used was not his home number. The reporter had identified himself to the person who did answer the phone, had asked "Is this Mr. Gardner?" and had been told "Yes, this is Bill." Later the reporter left a message at the same number, explaining why he was calling, but received no response by deadline. The reporter assumed he had reached the correct Bill Gardner, who lives in Manchester, but had actually called a Bill Gardner who lives in Rochester.
Corrections [NYT]
Democrats Propose Moving Up Nevada in Presidential Caucuses [NYT]