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What happened? Was advertising down? Was it during the first six months of this year?

"For the first six months of the year, ad pages in Teen People fell 14.4%." [WSJ]

"For the first six months of this year, the number of ad pages was down more than 14 percent..." [NYT]

"In the first half of this year, Teen People's ad slide accelerated. It dropped 14.4 percent to 302 pages..." [NYP]

"Through August, ad pages for the title have fallen 16.8 percent to 390, according to the Mediaweek Monitor." [Mediaweek]

"Ad pages at Teen People sank 14.4% during the first half..." [AdAge]

How terrible! What about Teen People's staff? How many will lose their jobs? 30? 40?

"Time Inc. is planning to absorb as many of the approximately 50 people who work for Teen People as it can..." [NYT]

"...told 50 staffers the September issue would be their last." [NYP]

"Some 50 staffers will be affected." [Mediaweek]

"...dispatching about 50 employees..." [AdAge]

"About 50 staffers were affected..." [FishbowlNY]

Gosh, this all sounds so familiar. Where have we seen this before? Was it at Hachette? Was it another teen mag?

"In a similar move in April, Hachette Filipacchi Media said it would stop publishing Elle Girl as a magazine..." [WSJ]

"...Elle Girl [...] closed earlier this year..." [NYT]

"...Hachette Filipacchi Media pulled the plug on Elle Girl..." [NYP]

"...Hachette Filipacchi Media folded Elle Girl in April..." [Mediaweek]

"...conjured up the April decision by Hachette to kill ElleGirl..." [AdAge]

"This move echoes the suspension of ElleGirl earlier this year..." [Eat the Press]

"...the abrupt folding of Hachette's ElleGirl earlier this year had 'nothing to do' with Time Inc.'s decision to fold Teen People." [FishbowlNY]

Earlier: Breaking: 'Teen People' Succumbs to Massive Fatal Acne Attack