Simon Spotlight Handing Out Book Deals Like It's Judith Regan Or Something
Following yesterday's news about Simon Spotlight's Jeremie Ruby-Strauss buying the book by the Fugly girls comes this probably inevitable note from Publisher's Marketplace: "Unanimous's I HATE ANN COULTER, a manifesto against all things Ann Coulter, to Jen Bergstrom and Patrick Price at Simon Spotlight Entertainment, with Jeremie Ruby-Strauss to edit, in a nice deal, by Dan Strone at Trident Media Group."
What the fuck, Jeremie? We make fun of celebrity fashions! We hate Ann Coulter (45)! We work for Nick Denton wages! Pick up the goddamn phone and give us a call already. And it better be before we hear that you signed someone to write Hot Piece of Twat: The Diana Bianchi Story.