Find Josh Marshall's Stolen Car

In this inaugural edition of Gawker Crimebusters — and in our continuing effort to prove that we're not nearly as mean as you think we are — join us in locating blogger eminence Joshua Micah Marshall's missing vehicle. Grand theft auto'd right out of a Central Parking garage yesterday morning, the hot Volvo may even now cruise the streets of New York, unaware that our spies and eyes are everywhere. Details of the subject:
It's a 1993 Red Volvo Sedan. NY Lic. BWK7845. GPS gizmo mounted above the dashboard. Mobile dog crate for famed toy poodle Simon in the trunk. Last known whereabouts, Central Parking garage just off 6th Avenue in Chelsea.
Don't let Simon go mischievously uncrated! Send sightings and/or photos to Maybe we'll even offer some kind of specious reward, if doing good isn't motivation enough.