• Google launches a tool to show advertisers when they're getting screwed by clickfraud. Will it give the same dire results that this independent tool gives? [BusinessWeek]
  • Microsoft refuses to explain to its stockholders why it supports Net Neutrality, bringing us all one day closer to a shouting match where CEO Steve Ballmer screams, "Neutrality! Neutrality! Neutrality!" and bites the head off a bat. [Reuters]
  • Microsoft also enters health care by buying Azyxxi. The real reason for that is to make its media player "Zune" sound less stupid in comparison. [NYT]
  • Friendster weighs the benefits of suing its more successful competitors now that it theoretically owns a patent on lists of friends. (Microsoft is buying the patent on lists of enemies from the Nixon estate.) [WSJ]
  • Kazaa, one of the many replacements for Napster, promises to sell out and go legit, since anybody who actually wants free music has moved to Limewire and BitTorrent. [WSJ]