The Agents Dance: ICM Heads Already Rolling?

Today's chatter around the agency blood-coolers is that yesterday's announced ICM purchase of Broder Webb Chervin Silbermann has already resulted in the first wave of redundant heads rolling down Wilshire Boulevard. We've heard that a large chunk of the ICM TV department has already been hacked out to make room for the BWCS crew, with a (so far unconfirmed) layoff roll call so far of Scott Arnovitz, Nancy Etz, Tanya Lopez, Patty Detroit, Steve Simons, Babette Perry, Stacey Lubliner, Jill Gillett, and Dan Norton, if you must have the names being circulated around. And as long as we're spreading unconfirmed rumors, we're told executions are being conducted by e-mail, a classy, warm touch. Aren't mergers fun? Updates, confirmations, and other tales of downsizing woe as they become available...