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Time again to pause and listen to the celestial trumpet blasts accompanying our weekly expression of love for this week's sponsors, who are trailed everywhere by a retinue of adorable cherubs. If you'd like to advertise on Defamer and receive the Lord's blessing for your movie, automobile, or flavored premium vodka, see this page.

The Gawker Media Mothership has once again requested that we prevail upon you to complete a brief survey which will assist them in the more efficient pimping out of your eyeballs to future advertisers. See below for the exciting details.

· Bravo
VW Rabbit
Brothers of the Head
Banana Republic
Fox Searchlight
American Apparel
Toyota Yaris
Stoli Blueberi

Once more, with feeling: Hey, would you like a chance to win a free iPod Shuffle? Oh, of course you would! Just take a couple of minutes to answer these easy survey questions and you'll get a shot at winning Apple's fine music-playback product. Just remember that you're agreeing to our contest rules by participating. Fun!