• You can make yourself famous by programming at a social network. [Craigslist]
  • But you can make yourself more famous by not programming at all. [Steve Yegge]
  • Six Apart is censoring Tribe.net founder Mark Pincus, who uses their TypePad service. [Mark Pincus]
  • Whizzr, hoflickr, and mulletbook: three dot-com mashups the world never asked for. [Dead 2.0]
  • It's true, Gillmor Gang podcast host Steve Gillmor core-dumped spicey details of his career to me off the record. That's why I need you to guess what he said and report it, so I can print that. [Steve Gillmor's Inforouter]
  • Sorry, kids, no more free iPods in return for selling out your friends. [Bad Mark]
  • Half a million bank workers protest outsourcing. Why is this funny? Click through. [Financial Times]
  • BBC techie Ben Metcalfe says it's okay that he scandalized his employer — it was his alter ego "dotBen" that did it. Wow, I want an alter ego too! Mine is named Bonecrusher! What's yours? [Ben Metcalfe]
  • The bookie BetUS.com handicaps the race for Top Technorati-linked Blog. [BetUS]