Online Magazine Spends Month's Freelance Budget on Anti-Semite Parody

If you don't have a subscription to Salon Premium (and, really, why would you?), you've probably had the experience of being forced to sit through a boring ad before finally read a piece that, when you think about it, wasn't worth the time you lost in the first place. Well, the editors of Salon are about to suffer the same torture that the readers do on a regular basis: They're calling for video Mel Gibson parodies, through which they will presumably have to sit and sort until they find something mediocre enough to put up. The best part? The winner gets $500, which is more than someone who pitches and writes a successful article for the webzine earns. Kind of makes you wonder how highly they prize their journalism. Something to think about the next time you're sitting through one of those Visa ads.
Raze Mel! Win $500! [Salon]