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Var's article on Mel Gibson fallout in the business: "The oys of summer." Yes, really. [Variety]
Warner Bros. shifts the opening date for Darren Aronofsky's The Fountain to November 22nd, setting up a time-traveling-related deathmatch with Buena Vista's Tony Scott-directed Deja Vu. Early prediction: America chooses The Fountain's Hugh Jackman as its favorite unstuck-in-time hunk! [THR]
A graph that looks like a red and blue pair of salad tongs (or pliers?) says scary things about the impact of foreign runaway production on the domestic film industry. [Variety]
· Because the networks stubbornly insist on measuring how few people are actually watching TV this summer, we note that Hell's Kitchen beat out CSI: Miami last night, but CBS still beat Fox for the night. [THR]
Hollywood Out Of Ideas, Supernatural CGI Dwellings Edition: Sony greenlights the animated comedy Hotel Transylvania, not to be confused with the studio's Monster House, currently in theaters. [Variety]