A Mid-Afternoon Mel Gibson Round-Up

· The Evil Beet blog points us to the above CNN.com poll, which seems to reveal that either not everyone shares Hollywood's outrage over Mel Gibson's anti-Semitic comments, or that Disney has hired internet poll voters to let America know it's OK to go to Apocalypto. [CNN.com]
· It's a good thing that Gibson didn't hire David Mamet's obviously incompetent Acme Public Relations firm, and wisely retained the services of a guy who was smart enough to check off the "alcoholism" box, then write in one for "eventually remember to beg for Jewish forgiveness." [HuffPo]
· Mel Gibson wasn't really arrested on terrorism charges, but given the way the last few days have gone for him, you'd believe that for a second, wouldn't you? [BBC News]
·The DVD Dossier reveals Gibson's Netflix queue.
· Need a Gibson hate-fuck? This Craigslister "Mel Gibson look alike, cute, clean shaven-face, moderately hairy body" posted his ad on Thursday, back when that particular physical resemblance might have been more of a selling point. [Craigslist]