Short Ends: Mel: The T-Shirts

· The inevitable Mel Gibson t-shirts arrive, in both "Mel Gibstein" and "What do you think you're looking at, Sugar Tits?" styles. Get one before CafePress is flooded with inferior "Save Mel" and "Free Mel" tees. [via Tabloid Baby]
· In case you haven't seen these yet, here are those pics of Gibson and his newfound drinking buddies at Moonshadows.
· Even Craigslist escorts are trying to get their piece of the Gibson action. (Warning: link NSFW)
· This is so wrong, and wrong: The Passion of the Christ mashed up with "Sometimes When We Touch."
· Arianna likes Mel's second apology a lot better than the first draft.
· How can you tell the difference between real and fake tits in Hollywood? Hint: There are no such thing as real tits in Hollywood, silly!
· Losanjelous takes their Mr. T doll to the George Michael Bathroom, but Little T emerges unblown and unfondled. Better luck next time, tiny fool.