Mel Gibson's Agent Protects Vulnerable, Red-Hot Client From Evil, Hypocrite Poachers

In today's story about the second draft of Mel Gibson's public apology, in which the forcibly contrite star finally remembered to apologize to the Jewish people for suspecting that they'd shrewdly infiltrated the Malibu police department in order to fuck his life, the NY Times coaxes longtime Gibson agent Ed Limato into breaking his silence on the matter. And after an obligatory statement about the inexcusability etc etc of his client's tequila-liberated remarks, he makes sure to fire a warning shot across the bow of the hypocritical "people in [his] business" who cast a stone at Gibson with one hand while trying to poach him with the other:
In a phone interview on Tuesday, however, Mr. Gibson's longtime agent, Ed Limato of International Creative Management, described Mr. Gibson as "embarrassed and ashamed," and said: "He obviously has a problem, and he's doing everything he can to make amends. The other night was inexcusable."
At the same time, Mr. Limato strongly rebuked some competitors, who, he said, were openly assailing Mr. Gibson after having tried and failed to woo him from I.C.M.
"For some people in my business to publicly try to destroy Mel Gibson because of this incident the other night I find very hypocritical," he said, "since I know one or two, who even after 'The Passion of the Christ' have been calling Mr. Gibson and trying to entice him to their agency as a client weekly."
Opportunistic, amoral agents of Hollywood, you've been warned: Limato is watching you, so don't even think about stealing ICM's most profitable anti-Semite!