Air America Powers Down

Remember Air America? No? Neither do we. But someone has to broadcast Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo — apparently — and beginning in September, interested New Yorkers must painstakingly reprogram their AM radio settings. Kicked out of its cozy midnight-5 a.m. slot at WLIB (home of Al Sharpton!), AA will move to a new "flagship" at WWRL. The new station has less than half the watts of the old one, but according to AA cofounder Sheldon Drobny, CEO Jim Wigget is still "excited" about the move. "Air America will supplant WWRL's black talk format," intones Drobny imperiously. Does this mean WWRL "personality" Alan Colmes (at right, of Hannity and fame) will also get all supplanted? Can Colmes and Air America peacefully coexist? Does anyone actually still listen to this crap on either side of the politico-radio spectrum? Most importantly, what about Prince Kalunda?