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The Associated Press runs a summary of the Reuters Photoshop teacup-tempest, re-noting that photog Adnan Hajj blames his bad brushwork on an attempt to remove "dust marks" under "bad lighting conditions." (Reuters has since embarked on an ass-covering campaign that includes a short discourse on the acceptable uses of Photoshop.) On the AP side of the fence, another photographer's "careless" use of Photoshop's cloning tool to compensate for a "dirty sensor" cloned an extra set of hands onto an Alaskan oil pipeline worker. The AP pulled that photo Monday; of course, we'd love a copy if anyone still has it on file. But really, we also love how WRAL's layout of the AP story comes complete with the graphic at right, where the Reuters logo gets the proprietary credit of "AP Image." Use of the Reuters logo is forbidden without the express written permission of the Associated Press.

Reuters Fires Photographer Over Doctored Photos [AP]