A Mel Gibson Political Endorsement May Have Lost Some Value

In a heretofore unexplored aspect of the ramifications of the Mel Gibson story (we thought we might be dangerously close to running out of angles once the AP profiled the PCH, but we were so, so wrong), SFGate.com political blogger Carla Marinucci notes that Gibson recently penned a "unusually gushy, three-page, single-spaced fundraising letter" endorsing Republican state senator Tom McClintock's campaign for lieutenant governor*, a high-profile endorsement that is perhaps not as welcome today as it would have been, say, in the time before Gibson fled to rehab to wait for the smoldering effigies of the Braveheart star being quietly torched in Steven Spielberg's basement to burn themselves out. The blog has some excerpts from the letter issued to GOP supporters, but we've obtained the somewhat more concise, less exuberant note (pictured) Gibson sent to his Hollywood friends on the off chance his largely liberal-leaning industry associates might contribute to the cause.
[*A couple of readers have asked us to point out that McClintock is some guy named Arnold Schwarzenegger's running mate**. But you knew that because you clicked through to read the blog post about the letter, right? Of course you did. We know you're not lazy.]
[**Other readers point out that Governator and Lieutenant Governator hopefuls don't run on the same ticket and are thus not "running mates." Are we allowed to say that Arnold and Tom are pals? Political bedfellows who nuzzle each other in private? Occasional Scrabble partners? Let's not lose sight of what's important here: that Mel Gibson guy sure did make a mess of things!]