Where My Dogs At?, an animated series on MTV2 that has completely escaped our radar until now, has Tracy Morgan and Jeff Ross voicing two stray Hollywood mutts-about-town. It's a loose setup that really services the show's main purpose: easy-target celebrity bashing (see clip above). It was all good-natured fun—that is, until one Snoop Dogg-inspired segment attempted to mine the rich comic territory of minority women on leashes crapping the floor:

A new MTV cartoon depicting black women squatting on all fours tethered to leashes and defecating on the floor is drawing fire from several prominent African Americans who call the episode degrading. [...]

In it, a look-alike of rap star Snoop Dogg strolls into a pet shop with two bikini-clad black women on leashes. They hunch over on all fours and scratch themselves as he orders one of them to "hand me my latte." At the end of the segment, the Snoopathon Dogg Esquire character dons a rubber glove to clean up excrement left on the floor by one of the women.

While it's not hard to imagine what some may have found offensive about the portrayal, MTV stands firmly behind the episode: In a statement, network president Christina Norman explained how the true target of ridicule here is Snoop, not the leashed, servile women pooping on the floor. That might be hard to swallow coming from your average white, male network head, but somehow, when Norman (whom, Reuters points out, is black) says it, suddenly all the outrage melts away, and you're left chuckling about just what a lovable, incorrigible misogynist that silly Doggfather is.