CNET hunts down AOL's neurotic and psychotic users

Today in "We're very disturbed that AOL released millions of private search records, but here's what we dug up" news, CNET made up for the New York Times' boring old-lady story by digging into the really weird AOL users and guessing where they live.
CNET thinks the user who searched for "how to get revenge on a ex girlfriend" and "how to get revenge on a friend who fucked you over" drives a Scion XB and lives in Florida.
A user in Mahoning County, Ohio searched for "how to tell your family you're a victim of incest" and "can you adopt after a suicide attempt" — but what's strangest is seeing searches like this next to "baked macaroni and cheese with sour cream" and "pottery barn."
In this three-page story, CNET boldly guesses at the identifications of users who searched for "suicide by natural gas," "the worst thing to send someone via email" (answer: Tubgirl), or "should i get back with my divorced husband."
Have you found a scary user search record by investigating the AOL Search Database? Tell Valleywag in the comments or at