The Morning Mel: Shoulder Rubs, Free Laptops, And Further Accusations Of Being A Party Animal

A glut of Mel Gibson stories has forced our retreat into the protective shell of the round-up format:
· Pictured: An actual ad in rotation at MySpace. Forgiveness is just a free laptop scam away! [MySpace]
· The Philly City Paper's The Clog blog shares some fond memories of Mel Gibson's downtime while in town shooting Signs, where he liked to get liquored up and perform A-list shoulder rubs (nickname: "The Cruncher") at local bars, went to AA meetings to repent for the aforementioned inebriated, amateur chiropractic behavior, and may have had relations with a lady who claims she has "nude Polaroids of Mel holding his happy rooster in one paw and a phone in his other." [The Clog]
· Is Disney quietly trying to shop Apocalypto to a studio that might be a little more experienced in handling radioactive material? Roger Friedman thinks so, but he also thinks that Lindsay Lohan is reformed. [Fox 411]
· The National Enquirer is preparing a story that brings to light the shocking, world-shattering revelation that Mel likes to party. [The Scoop]
· And you knew this was coming, but: Officer Sugar Tits, the hastily designed Cafe Press t-shirt. [Cafe Press]